20 ‘Bogart Creek’ Single Panel Comics

It takes time to tell a compelling story. After all, you have to create intriguing settings develop fascinating characters, and tell everything in beautiful language. While many comic artists draw long strips to please their readers Derek Evernden does all this with single-panel comics.

By the way, Derek was lucky enough to find a publisher Renegade Arts Entertainment for his first cartoon collection which will be available in stores at the end of March.

Credit: Bogart Creek




“I started emulating Herman and The Far Side as a kid, and even at that young age I knew I was making derivative garbage, but the love of cartoons persisted through high school and college Derek told Bored Panda. “Bogart Creek is only two years old, but I’ve been drawing comics in various forms for many years. A turning point for me was about twenty years ago, when I worked summers as a cartoonist in Toronto’s Ontario Place, attracting hundreds of tourists. all summers. It was a strange kind of performance, trying to save the punchline for last to get the best reaction from the audience. I can’t say I’m a fan of being “on stage,” but I get a similar feeling. I love watching how people respond to my black-and-white drawings online.




Bogart Creek happened largely because I was getting too depressed drawing political cartoons of Trump Derek says. I have gained some momentum in that field of social commentary and it was suggested that I send some to the New Yorker. At the time, their policy did not allow political cartoons so I started making dry cerebral one-panel jokes about social media matters.
























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