Hero cat died while rescuing the children from the deadly snake

A beloved family cat named Arthur has died a heroic death after saving two young children from one of Australia’s 10 most venomous snakes.

The adorable cat was spending time with his family at their home in Australia when a brown eastern snake entered the garden where the two children were playing.


Arthur was supposed to “follow his two little humans when the danger approached” and the cat wasted no time in taking action when he pounced on the reptile and killed it to keep the limbs of its loved one from being Family injured.

A post on the Queensland Veterinarian’s Facebook page stated that Arthur received a “fatal snakebite” when he attacked the reptile. Nobody witnessed the bite when the family stormed out of the courtyard, but Arthur collapsed after the incident.

The cat is said to have “recovered quickly, as if nothing had happened shortly after,” but was found collapsed the next morning. The hospital stated that collapse is a “common symptom of snake bites,” although it is not a symptom that pet owners are aware of.

Arthur would have been a mischievous cat and would have previously visited the hospital after accidents. Staff said he was “very much loved” by the team and noted that heroes “come in all shapes and sizes”.

Image: Animal Emergency Service

The news of Arthur’s exploits has been widely praised by other animal lovers. Facebook users described the cat as “brave” and “beautiful”.

Below Image People tribute to hero cat:

One person replied, “Rest in peace Arthur. Such a brave boy to protect your little people. Condolences to his family.”

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