The Artist makes honest Comics about a man who breaks people down with words

You can stab people with your mouth when you turn sharp words into blades. The pain is not visible, but it is there – whoever is insulted knows how it feels. It’s a terrible feeling that is destroyed on the inside, and before you know it, it’s already eating you so badly.

You want Natakorn Ult to want people to be careful with their words. The main character is a man who has a very high status in society, he forgot to pay attention to his words. He carelessly spreads hurtful words that make people hesitate, only to realize their mistakes when it is too late.

Credit: Instagram

Hence the title Caution





the comic is divided into two parts and it shows a person interacting with different people. The first person is his subordinate, who did not pay any attention to him even when he was breaking and walking home. The next person appears to be the elder of the household, who may be the mother of him or his wife.

The second part shows that the man is still maintaining a terrible attitude around his family.






Tum has shared his comics conversations with 161k followers and has received over 40k likes. He often uses his intellect to convey a moral message or to raise awareness about an important social issue. The imaginations you have used are often a direct representation of certain feelings or consequences, like a man breaking people with his words and they literally broke like clay humans.

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