The loyal dog keeps a boy company during detention time. He doesn’t want to leave him alone, and he is his best friend.
Dogs really are the best friends that a human can have, we often know stories that confirm what has been said, as in the case of Peyton, a 3-year-old boy who had fought with his sister, for which his mother, Jillian Marie Smith, had sent the little one to a timeout.
Due to his mischief, the mother had decided to punish the child by giving him two options, go to the room or undergo a ‘time out’ (time out).
The boy decided to go to his usual place, where he put his head against the wall to wait for the punishment time.
The loyal dog accompanies his best friend during punishment

However, something surprising happened, a few minutes passed when his best friend, Dash, an English mastiff, decided to join the boy. His four-legged friend was determined to accompany him throughout his punishment, proving that friends are through thick and thin.

Even though it was punishment for Peyton, Jillian captured the heartwarming moment on camera and decided to post it on Facebook.
“When you’re in ‘time out,’ but your best friend won’t let you get through it alone.”
The photo has now been shared more than 43,000 times, and the boy’s mother accompanied the post by saying she couldn’t stay mad at her son for long.

“I couldn’t get too mad because it was so cute how Peyton wrapped her arm around Dash. When Peyton had to go to ‘time out,’ I think Dash knew he needed his friend.”
There is no doubt that it was an authentic act of what true friendship means, showing that dogs are loyal at all times.
This act of kindness is just one example of the impact Dash has had on his entire family since he came home.

“Dash has made life happier for the whole family. Especially for Peyton. If you ask Peyton, Dash is her friend.”
Fortunately, the ‘time out for both soon came to an end, allowing them to return to their daily routine of games, hugs and fun.

While this probably won’t be the last time Peyton gets into trouble and therefore gets punished, it’s reassuring to know that her best friend will always be by her side.