Collie: a universal breed of dog that is suitable for almost any owner

Collie – noble Scottish shepherd dogs, which became known throughout the world after the popular television series “Lassie”. Long-haired owners of a wise look and a very friendly character: it seems that these charming dogs are suitable for anyone. And indeed it is!


To understand the nature of the collie, it is worth turning to their past. They were bred as shepherd dogs, hence their most striking qualities: constant attentiveness, vigilance, and the ability to adapt to almost any conditions.

Representatives of this breed are considered medium-sized dogs. Nevertheless, collies feel great both in one-room city apartments and in giant country houses. The only thing that the collies will not tolerate is living on a chain in a booth or on the street. They are not guards at all, but companion dogs, designed to always be with their family, the “pack.”


Collie, like most dogs, needs activity, but it can cost a couple of hours walks a day. On weekends, they will be happy to keep you company in the park, in the city or in an outing with a tent: they do not feel any stress, adapting to the living conditions of the owners. It doesn’t matter if you like to lead a very mobile lifestyle or calm – the collies will support you in everything.

They do not bomb the apartment, even for a long time alone, extremely clean and noble. But it is worth remembering that collies are vulnerable and intelligent creatures. They will break down if the owner behaves rudely or disrespectfully with them, paying little attention and love.


These pets are very friendly and calm, unobtrusive, and have the gift of empathy. Unlike, for example, Corgis from their relatives, they do not treat all people with great openness. Collie is not one of those who rush into the arms of strangers, they trust only their narrow family circle.

Another big plus of these dogs is their easy training. They learn the teams well, understand what the owner expects from them. The main thing for these noble creatures is the presence of human attention and love in their lives. They don’t ask that much, right?


Charming collies will suit literally any dog ​​breeder, even a beginner. Perhaps, only lovers of aggressive and formidable dogs will not be able to get along with them. Meet the representatives of this breed, and you will immediately realize that they are really very special!

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