Dog that has lost part of its nose as a result of abuse is adopted into a loving home

Dog, who lost part of his nose to Chinese meat dealers who sent him to be slaughtered, is adopted by the British owner and raises £ 4,500 for reconstructive surgeries from Instagram fans

A female dog who lost part of her nose due to abuse by Chinese meat dealers has undergone a life-changing facial reconstruction after her owner funded £ 4,500 for treatment.

Image Credit: Hollie

The Belgian Shepherd Dog named Angel was rescued from Changchun, China, in 2015 when activists confiscated a truck full of dogs destined for the slaughterhouse.

Image Credit: Hollie

The six-year-old dog underwent emergency surgery in Beijing before Rushton Dog Rescue brought her to England for adoption.

Hollie Cornes, 25 years old, from Witney, Oxfordshire dog.

Image Credit: Hollie

Hollie said rescuers attributed the “terrible” injuries to the dog’s face to metal tools that dog hunters used to grab pets and reluctantly throw them against walls.

Image Credit: Hollie

Angel had learned a lot how to deal with his injuries, but the skin around his nose was bleeding frequently and he found it difficult to breathe.

Image Credit: Hollie

Hollie, who created an Instagram page for Angel that now has more than 30,000 followers, decided to contact world-renowned veterinary specialist Fitzpatrick Referrals to see if they can help.

Image Credit: Hollie

They told him he would have to pay £ 2,500 to fund a CT scan and diagnose the severity of Angel’s ailments.

Cat was trapped in a shipping container for 3 weeks and survived by eating candy

But the sum was paid by one of Angels’ generous social media followers and the results showed that her ‘nose’ was sealed with scar tissue and only had one 2-hole hole. Mm to breathe.

Image Credit: Hollie

Hollie, who Angel describes as “the cutest dog she’s ever met,” decided to start a GoFundMe campaign to pay for the dog’s facial reconstructive surgery.

Hollie, who set the goal at £ 4,500, said, “We raised the money very quickly, which I wasn’t expecting.

Image Credit: Hollie

“ Without the fundraiser and their support system, this wouldn’t have been an option …

“She has so many people who love and care for her [on social media]; simply for this reason I thought it would be possible to increase that amount.

Image Credit: Hollie

‘We were told their first scanner would cost £ 2,500 and an Instagram lady sent the money straight away which was amazing.

Personally, I think this surgery changed his life.

Image Credit: Hollie

“ I didn’t want to strain and operate on him anymore, none of that was for cosmetic reasons, I liked his old look, it was just based on his quality of life. ”

Image Credit: Hollie

Hollie said the injuries Angel sustained when she was around two years old meant she would hear him wake up at night to breathe.

Image Credit: Hollie

He contacted oncology and soft tissue experts over Christmas and booked a CT scan for Jan. 4 that revealed the extent of the internal damage.

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