The stray dog refuses to stop barking until the motorcyclist follows him to the abandoned baby

In late December, Junrell Fuentes Revilla was riding his motorcycle through the mountains near Cebu in the Philippines when a dog chased him.


The dog led Revilla to a landfill and a one-sided bundle on the ground. “To Revilla’s surprise, she found a baby wrapped in a brown towel,” Gea Ybarita, a Hope for Strays employee, told Dodo. “The place where the baby was found is isolated because it’s on top of the mountain.”

Image credit: The Freeman

Revilla picked up the newborn and took him to the nearest police station, where the Department of Social Welfare intervened. Due to the dog’s quick thinking, they found the baby just in time and it was still healthy.

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As the story of stray dog ​​heroism spread across the local news, stray hope volunteers stormed the mountains in hopes of finding the useful pup. Instead, they found someone who claimed the dog was named Blacky.

Image credit: The Freeman

“He showed his appreciation for his home and to our surprise Blacky was there with three other dogs,” said Ybarita. “We have confirmed that he is not a stray at all.”

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The rescuers were relieved that Blacky had a loving home, but it was clear that the dog and his family still needed help. “[Blacky’s owner] said, ‘No matter how difficult life is, even though I’m poor, I feed and take good care of all my dogs,” said Ybarita.

Image credit: The Freeman

Since then, Blacky and his family have received tremendous support from the community, including donations of food, pet supplies, and more. Although Blacky may not realize it, it eventually changed for him, his family, and a very happy girl.

Image credit: The Freeman

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