Today we’d like to introduce you to cartoonist Will Santino. Oddly enough, Will doesn’t need many words to make people smile with his one-panel comics. The artist typically creates short comics, often just one sentence long, covering all sorts of everyday situations in a way that is sure to make you smile as you scroll through his minimalistic cartoons. The artist primarily uses Patreon to make a living, creating about 6 new comics a week, if you’d like to support him, you can find his social media links below!
“I started drawing cartoons during a difficult time in my life when I was going through grief after a loss. I am inspired by nature, stories, mythology, animals, and books. I like to add more silliness, wonder, whimsy, and absurdity. in to the world.”
Credit: Will Santino


Art, in any form, takes a lot of time not only to practice but also to produce, so we asked Will how long it takes him to fully finish his comics.
“Once I have the idea, it only takes me about 45 minutes to draw a finished cartoon, since I don’t check social media every ten minutes.”
Being an artist is not easy, one can easily find oneself lacking inspiration, exhaustion, etc., that’s why we wanted to ask Santinos about his ideas for comics.
“To get results, I need input. I read a lot of fiction and I love learning about new things, so I end up on Wikipedia a lot. I love mythology, history, fables, art and language. I love learning, so My silly ideas are often the byproduct of my curiosity. More specifically, I drink coffee and doodle in a sketchbook. Having ideas is about having inside jokes with yourself and then seeing if you can communicate them to someone else. It’s also about having fun. “Having a good idea is fun.”
















