A balding toy terrier was trembling with fear at the entrance

Thoroughbreds also cry – evidence of this phrase can be easily found in any Russian shelter. So the organization “Omsk Ponytails” took under its wing a sick toy terrier, which was abandoned by the once loving owners.

A shaking and sad toy was found in the entrance, where he pressed himself into the wall in fear. Caring people handed him over to animal rights activists, and they began to understand the situation. How could a purebred toy be unnecessary to its owners?


The reason became clear pretty quickly: Toychik had a whole bunch of complex diseases. Including because of them, he refused to eat and rapidly bald. But the employees of “Omsk Tails” did not lose hope and began to treat their new ward. He was given the nickname Dobby.

Dobby, like all representatives of his breed, turned out to be a very wayward, but smart doggie. He loved the attention to himself, but could easily show disobedience. Toychik was on the mend, albeit slowly, so there was a hope that someone would still want to give such a difficult pet a home.


And so it happened! Maria, amazed by the story of Dobby, began to visit him, give presents, prepare the house for the arrival of the doggie. Soon he already recognized her and trusted her, and then – went to live with her in the same house.

According to Maria, Dobby fit perfectly into the life of her family and found a common language with everyone. He eats and plays well, though he doesn’t like to go for walks, but his domesticity doesn’t stop the hosts from loving him 🙂


Even if you take a thoroughbred pet into the house, this is not a guarantee that he will not get sick and cause trouble. Love your animals and take a responsible approach to their maintenance: pets are not toys!


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