Everyone felt sorry for the sick village dog, but no one wanted to help her

A nice and friendly dog ​​lived in one of the villages of the Petrozavodsk region. They fed her and did not drive her, but no one was in a hurry to take responsibility for the life of the tramp. The fact was that the dog was sick – it had a tumor that caused it a lot of inconveniences.


Zoological volunteer Galina Kuzmina, having learned about the dog from the social. networks, could not get past her troubles. Despite the abundance of wards and the unstable financial situation, she took her off the street and took her to the veterinary clinic. There, the patient was operated on.

Fortunately, everything went well, and soon the cheerful beauty, who received the nickname Paradise, was already smiling at her savior. As Galina managed to find out, Volunteers had already helped Raya, but then the five-year-old dog somehow found herself in trouble again.


Calm and good-natured Paradise was settled on a reliable overexposure. There she amazed everyone with her hassle-freeness: quiet, affectionate, kind to absolutely everyone and everyone, Raichka, during her entire stay at overexposure, never gave anyone trouble.

Raya got along well with cats and children, after walks, she always lay down in her corner and rested, never imposed. This peaceful and calm dog everywhere created an atmosphere of harmony and relaxation – is this not a dream pet!


Raya had to live in overexposure for almost two years before she was noticed. Marina and her family members decided to donate a house to this wonderful dog.


On the first day of Paradise, she conquered everyone with her kind disposition and obedience. The girl did not have any problems in the new place: she made friends with both the cat and the children.

The beautiful Raichka went to her happiness for a long time, but thanks to the help of people, she managed to become home and beloved. Woof!

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