From a shelter brooch to an Internet star: the story of Bobby the Persian cat

Looking at today’s photos of a luxurious Persian cat named Bobby, it’s hard to believe that she once roamed the streets and lived in need. But in fact, she had to go through a lot before finding her happiness in life and becoming a star of social networks: now more than 130 thousand people have subscribed to the cat’s page on Instagram!

Several years ago, Bobby came to one of the veterinary centers in a very sad state. A thoroughbred Persian cat wandered the streets for more than one day before ending up in the hands of doctors. It was there that her future owners, the inhabitants of Great Britain, noticed her.


They took Bobby to their place and in a short time turned her from a shabby sad cat into a real queen! It became clear that Bobby’s emotional face and her habits deserve the utmost attention, so it was decided to create a separate page on Instagram for her photo and video.


With her slightly insane, but damn adorable look, Bobby quickly became a real darling of netizens. Soon she had accounts on Youtube and Tik Tok, where the furry lady has her fans.





Bobby and her owners travel frequently and discover new locations. The kitty is accustomed to such conditions and is not averse to posing against the backdrop of fantastic sunsets or flower fields.



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