Scott is a cartoonist who was born “ on top of an Arctic glacier, ” was exposed to “ high situations of violent radiation, ” and worked his way up to become a well-known artist. He creates a fun ridiculous series called’ The Argyle Sweater’ full of absurd situations and silly humor. Why The Argyle Sweater’, you ask? Well, because the Argyle Cummerbund was chosen and the Argyle Girdle sounded just silly.
Scroll down and enjoy these delightful single-panel comics! If you still have some tea left in the end, check out the former post then!
Credit: Scott Hilburn

Scott Hilburn grew up in Garland, Texas. After graduating from Argosy University, he began working toward a master’s degree in clinical psychology professional comforting. still, the artist decided to intrude on his studies and pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a cartoonist.


Scott can considered an old wolf in the ridiculous world. His work can be set up in titans similar to the LA Times, NY Daily News, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Dallas Morning News, and more. People seem to enjoy Scott’s edgier, darker humor, which is why he’s so popular.




Scott shared that Larson was one of his biggest influences. In addition to that, he also read New York cartoonists like Sam Gross and Tom Cheney. “I was always impressed how a single-panel cartoonist could say so much in a single frame, especially when the humor is inferred and requires some thought on the part of the reader. That ‘A-HA!’ The moment is something I try to create in my own cartoons.”











