Sphynx-Munchkin – and such a breed exists!

Over the centuries of living side by side with cats, people have learned to breed sometimes so unusual breeds that it is not so easy to believe in the reality of their existence. For example, how do you like bald cats with short legs, hybrids of sphinxes, and munchkins, called “bambino”?


The USA is considered to be the birthplace of bambino. A resident of Arkansas met a kitten with a very strange appearance, reminiscent of a sphinx on short legs. As it turned out later, such an unusual child was the result of an accidental connection between the Canadian Sphinx and the Munchkin. And so the Bambino breed was born.

Lovers of hairless cats immediately liked this breed. Even in Russia, you can find several nurseries that breed bambino. Big-eyed little cats without hair are for many examples of ideal pets.



Bambinos, surprisingly, are in excellent health. They are unpretentious in care and only need regular check-ups and quality nutrition. They are very friendly and playful cats, affectionate, intelligent, and curious.




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